среда, 2 июля 2014 г.

Menstrual Calendar PRO 1.2.7 apk free download

Menstrual Calendar PRO


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Menstrual calendar is the best and the simplest application for the women who would like to have a Period, and ovulation tracker.

Facebook : http://ift.tt/1gWwBzC


- Pregnancy Mode (New)

- Smartforecast for Periods, fertile days and ovulation,

- Password protection.

- Customizable calendar,

- Weight and Temperature Tracking (+ charts),

- Multiple Notifications (ex:Pill reminder, appointment with the doctor),

- Backup to SD card,

- Restore from SD card,

- Entry of symptoms according to the body parts,

- Entry of notes and facts.

- Many other features will be added !!

Download .apk

According to a report according to a report in Deadline and confirmed by AMC, star Jon Hamm and Jessica Par, the photogenic couple play in the drama of 50th State traveling this Sunday with a small crew filming for the upcoming Season 6 Premiere. Creator Matthew Weiner and producer Scott Hornbacher again allegedly scouted locations for the episode in September. Hamm and Par is supposed download Menstrual Calendar PRO 1.2.7 free android app . There for two days, suggesting that many of the premiere will be back in New York.

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