Guitar Note Trainer
Music & Audio
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Guitar Note Trainer is a tool to assist in learning the 6-string guitar notes. This app provides all you need to meet this goal, in an intuitive and flexible way. It is useful as for beginners, so for guitarists who already have basic skills and want to make them perfect.
Guitar Note Trainer is a good choice for learning notes (C/D/E, Do/Re/Me notation), octaves, sight reading, sight playing and ear training.
The tuning of audio guitar simulator can be customized in any way in range from C (great octave) to A (3 line octave) with different sounds (acoustic steel, electric distortion, acoustic nylon).
Guitar Note Trainer has 4 modes:
★ Note Explorer
★ Note Trainer
★ Note Practicum
★ Note Game
The fretboard explorer mode includes the following features:
★ display/hide all notes, display only natural notes (without sharp and flat notes), display accidental notes (only sharp and flat notes)
★ highlight the same notes or octave you would like to focus on
★ real or diagram fretboard
★ display staff note or/and play note on touching fretboard
The fretboard trainer mode includes the following features:
★ Customizable trainer profile that defines area on fretboard you would like to focus on.
★ Trainer can generate 8 types of questions:
• identify fret (locate the note on string)
• identify note (identify the note displayed on fretboard)
• identify the same notes (find all the same notes on the fretboard)
• identify staff note (identify the note displayed on staff)
• locate staff note on the fretboard (locate the staff note on string)
• identify the same staff notes (locate the same staff notes on fretboard)
• identify note by ear (identify heard note)
• locate the playing note on the fretboard (identify the note by ear and locate it on the fretboard)
★ Full statistics tracking for each note and totals for trainer profile: number of total question, number of correct answers, percent, average time of reaction and total time of training.
The first version of practicum mode allows to play requested notes on a real instrument. Thus, you train both, note recollection and finger memory.
The practicum mode includes the following features:
★ Customizable practicum profile that defines area on fretboard you would like to focus on.
★ Practicum can generate 6 types of questions that will be auto-answered by a settable timer:
• identify fret (locate the note on string)
• locate note (locate the note displayed on fretboard)
• identify the same notes (find all the same notes on the fretboard)
• locate staff note on the fretboard (locate the staff note on string)
• identify the same staff notes (locate the same staff notes on fretboard)
• locate the playing note on the fretboard (identify the note by ear and locate it on the fretboard)
The game mode offers a more efficient way of verifying the knowledge and of learning the notes on the guitar fretboard by playing and having fun.
The app includes the following general features:
★ Right and Left handed fretboard
★ Sound volume control
★ 4 types of guitar sounds (acoustic steel 1, acoustic steel 2, electric distortion, acoustic nylon)
★ Note explorer theme (2 colors of displayed notes)
★ Number of frets (12, 18, 22) - to display the guitar fretboard
★ Note buttons in tablet mode - to display notes in two columns
By using the application for a few minutes each day it is possible to quickly learn all of the notes (in any notation) on the guitar fretboard.
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