понедельник, 28 апреля 2014 г.

free Kagura RSS torrent download

Kagura RSS

News & Magazines

Download .apk



The preferences screen would be written in English if you don't choose Japanese language on Android.


Kagura RSS is an RSS Reader for Live Wallpaper.

It has 5 ways to display news.

List: Displays scrolling text right to left.

Ribbon: Displays scrolling text right to left, top to bottom, and any directions.

Ring: Displays text on circle likes a ring

Star Wars: Likes the opening crawl Star Wars.

Warp: Diving in the sea of information.


Kagura RSS (Free) Limits you List and Ribbon, accepts only one RSS feed.

Kagura RSS (Paid) Gives you all display styles and RSS feeds as many as you want.


Kagura RSS (Free)


Kagura RSS (Paid)


Juno Soft




Download .apk

Observer found that Newell himself leave pretty much leeway with his testimony. Finished does not mean on the shelves, she noted, and in summer lasts three months download Kagura RSS 1.1.4 for free . - Newell has no explanation or qualification for the ship date; Newell commented simply that Half-Life II is ended this summer, while showing off scenes of gameplay videos that Valve has been in previous games exhibitions. Newell and Valve delayed the Half-Life 2 sequel last year, was allegedly stolen as some of the game code and leaked to the Internet.

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