Fake Call,SMS,Text - Pro
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This is a fantastic app for entertainment.
Tricking someone has become so easy now!!
With a push of button you can download “Fake You Pro” for android smart phones.
Getting out of the trouble has just got easier. Whether it’s a call or sms/text, fake it easily using this app. When giving straight forward answers becomes difficult, bring this app in action and it works wonders for you.
Wanna get rid of people asking for your phone to play a game? Here’s the smartest way to avoid it. Installing “Fake You Pro” would permit you to fake the battery usage. Trick those irritating buds by showing them a low battery symbol.
Also if you wanna get rid of people calling from your phone “Fake You Pro” would allow you to fake balance. If you have a pesky aunty taking your phone to make various calls just show her the fake balance and get rid of her. This app can also be used to show more balance than you actually have. It is actually a very useful application to make fool out of someone.
With this App, even the president can call you. Boast amongst friends faking a call and see their expressions. This is the best way to trick someone. The calls look 100% genuine.
How to use? – A 4 step simple process
-> Add the fake call log to your phone’s original call log
-> Fill in any fake entry with number
-> Fill in date and time when you want the call to come
-> Select your Android version screen for incoming call
Boast about the call you just made!!
Simple to use and available Pro version now - Getting out of awkward situations has got so much easier!!
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Columbia Pictures, part of Sony, has Babe in the Woods, bought an original action-comedy spec script by School of Rock writer Mike White wrote. Babe in the Woods. About a female student from the Midwest who at Yale Yale and a goal of the New Jersey Mafia In addition to School of Rock, White also wrote Dead Man on Campus, Orange County, Nacho Libre, and the year of the dog download Fake Call,SMS,Text - Pro 1.0.2 apk . He 'll do a polish on the script before it goes to the directors and actors. While it is setup at Columbia, is White Rip Cord Productions , which are recently completed work on Jared Hess ' Gentlemen Broncos, this development.
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