воскресенье, 10 августа 2014 г.

download Fever 1.0 for free



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With this application you can track body temperature, medication and the course of a disease.

The entered data form a chart which displays the temperature profile. Also other symptoms than temperature and medications can be tracked.

This application helps to keep an overview of a disease and can optionally export the collected information, e.g. to send it to a doctor.

used permissions

The only permission required for this app is access to contacts. This is only used to easily create new patient profiles.


Caution: This app cannot measure fever!

It merely serves as a tool which helps to record body temperature.

Fever is dangerous, especially for young children, therefore, caution is required.

This app does not provide treatment advice. You must decide for yourself when to consult a doctor and which mediaction is to administer.

The company TheAppGuys GmbH assumes no liability for damage caused by incorrect or improper use of the app.

Download .apk

Peta went to say that Pokemon to be treated as objects of entertainment and can be used as experiments in laboratories, none of which are true. The main villains of the Pokemon series, Team Rocket, Team Galactic, and Team Plasma are the ones to use the Pokemon and use their powers for evil to try. The plot of every single Pokemon game has to stop free Fever 1.0 torrent download . Peta also claims Pok pok balls filled Mo and everyone knows that luxurious luxurious in these matters. - Peta claims the Pokemon series is basically thinly disguised cruelty to animals. As someone who has played every single installment in the series, I do not disagree. At the basic level, in a forest, beating a Pokemon itself to exhaustion it it, so you can train it to fight other Pokemon. But when one Pokemon so see you are not the point. As a life long Pokemon master and a decade member of PETA, I can confidentially say that to to never stop, to catch them all.

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