среда, 2 июля 2014 г.

free Tide: Tidal Chronoscope torrent download

Tide: Tidal Chronoscope


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Know the GPS Tide Prediction as Easily as the Time. Works as a tide chart, tide graph with an additional wristwatch format. The Tidal Chronoscope provides an interactive map of tide stations and intuitive depiction of present and future tides for 9400+ USA and worldwide tide stations. Instantly, and at your current or custom location. Along with lunar and solar positions, in the look and feel of the most popular tide watch ever. Create your own custom station. And set notifications for tide and lunar/solar events. NEW FEATURE: You can now set Alert notifications for tide, sunrise, sunset, moo rise, moon set and the moon phase.

# 1 TOP TIDE App on Google Play (titled Tidal Chronoscope)

Available for iPad and iPhone

#2 TOP NEW RANKED Google Play Weather category

TOP 1% of All Paid Apps on iTunes

#1 NEW & NOTEWORTHY iTunes Navigation Sept 2011

Featured WHAT’S HOT iTunes Navigation Sept/Oct/Nov 2011

TOP 10 RANKED iTunes Navigation Oct/Nov 2011

#2 TOP RANKED UK iTunes Navigation Nov 2011

#4 TOP Charts iPad Navigation Catagory

△ Instant depiction and details of present and future tide predictions, lunar and solar positions. Our website provides a list of 9400+ USA and International tide stations covered.

△ Automatically retrieves local tide predictions. Optional manual station selection.

▼ Using Maps, you can add a custom location as a reporting station with your own offsets.

△ Dedicated watch face for the visual depiction of the tide level at the current time, and up to 7 days into the future.

▼ Tidal watch face shows the present tide level and hours to high and low tide, as well as the current moon phase (for predicting neap and spring tides).

△ Dedicated watch face for the visual depiction of the current moon phase and the relative position of the moon in the sky.

▼ Dedicated watch face for the visual depiction of the relative position of the Sun in the sky.

△ Set the up to 7 days into the future to see all relevant predictions for that time.

▼ Information screen for detailed information about tidal and celestial events for up to 7 days in advance.

△ GPS based location tracking for accurate local tidal predictions. Adjustable tracking parameters.

▼ Interactive tide graph

△ Map interface shows all the tide stations in your vicinity.

▼ Favorite tide stations list.

△ Imperial and metric units.

▼ Notifications for solar, lunar and tidal events.

△ Adjustable connectivity setting for cellular data connections.

▼ Luxurious depiction and accruements of a fine Swiss watch including time and date.

△ Makes a great opening screen for your device providing you with instant time, tide, moon and solar movements.

▼ Built-in help for each screen

△ Please remember that this application is Not for Navigational Use.

*** Please check the Station List page on our website (http://ift.tt/1i7chyv) to ensure your country and/or your location is covered.

Download .apk

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