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Music Tag Editor - MP3 ID3 Fix is a tag editor application for music files which help you to manage your music.
This app integrate internet search for album art, fix split albums and song order, and change the artist, album and genre of all your songs. So Music Tag Editor - mp3Tag can edit Entire albums or groups of files at the same time. Easy to use, fully functional app has the features that professionals require yet it's easy to download and use for music lovers !
Features :
***Standard music Tags support.
***List songs according to Album name , Artists and songs list with search option
***Edit Music Title, Artist ,Album and Album cover
***Support quick search and preview in player
***Easy Cover ,Album cover search, album art grabber ID3 music tag editor on your android phone !
***Adds / Edits Album Art, Which can be found by taping the album artwork for a simple Google Image search, Google image search or a manual by long clicking on the Album Art work
***Adds / Edits Song Title When only a single song is selected
***Adds / Edits Artist, Album Artist, Album
***Adds / Edits Genre Which is shown as the actual genre name, not a number did Represents a genre, or you can choose a custom genre
***Edits song orders through an easy to use drag and drop list
***songs can be selected Individually, or They can be selected as a group, or as a set or groups of albums.
Supported file formats
>>> mp3, ogg, m4a and flac.
Disclaimer : We are not affiliated with other apps available on play store which are known by several names like
album art grabber, tag fixer, mp3 tag editor, album cover editor, ID3 tag editor, mp3 tagger, mp3 tags, mp4 tag, cover art editor, music editor, music tagger, edit album art, audio editor, album editor.
#Please send me a bug report before you give 1 star, 1 star doesn't help fixing the problem at all.
If you are having trouble, please contact me. Also, sending a debug log is very helpful when determining the root of the problem. This is done by going to the menu in the app and choosing 'Get Help'. Then click the 'Send Log' button.
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