четверг, 3 июля 2014 г.

download Ultimate Star Trek Sounds 1.0 for free

Ultimate Star Trek Sounds


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300+ high quality sound clips from The Next Generation, The Original Series and Voyager TV series. Settable as either ringtone, notification, individual contact ringtone or alarm.

They make awesome ringtones/notifications/alarms or just a great fun soundboard.


Sounds are categorized into 17 categories:

- Cloaking

- Communicators

- Computer

- Computer Voice

- Doors

- Explosion

- Forcefield

- Holodeck

- Medical

- Red Alert

- Replicators

- Transporter

- Tricorders

- Turbolift

- View Screen

- Warp

- eapons


* Set as phone ringtone

* Set as phone notification

* Set as individual contact ringtone - Once a theme has been set as either a ringtone or notification it will be available in the phone ringtone list so that it may be set as an individual contact ringtone.

* Set as alarm - Once a theme has been set as either a ringtone or notification it will be available in the phone ringtone list so that it may be set as an alarm sound.

* Free updates with more sounds to come.

Press to play and long press to set as ringtone or notification.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Any problems please email for a fix.

Download .apk

Too far-fetched Bureau ' Director Takes One Minute to be Midnight 'NextIn the movie Khrushchev plan, the U download Ultimate Star Trek Sounds 1.0 free android app .S. Navy base will see to eliminate at Guantanamo Bay, the handling of Soviet nuclear warheads in Cuba, and the harrowing story of a U-2 spy plane, lost imaginable over Russia at the most dangerous time. Here's hoping Nolfi together a little more a bit more crackle crackle to it as Thirteen Days has. The Adjustment Bureau Since I to to be a confident debut by Nolfi, even if all the movie fedora rules and labyrinthine mazes door occasionally got a bit silly. He might be better known for his work on the side, craft the screenplays for The Bourne Ultimatum and Ocean's Twelve, and that gives us hope that. His perennial star Matt Damon in the mix for One Minute to Midnight Finally, it would not too far-fetched to have Damon, a golden boy in Boston, play a Kennedy.

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