Interview Simulator Pro
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Simply the best interview simulator app on the market! Period.
Interview Simulator Pro is an interactive interview app that helps you to improve your interview skills and helps to ease nerves.
The secret is to turn your phone into the interviewer. Experience the entire interview including common, difficult and tricky audio questions. Record your answers and play back the entire interview to gain a better understanding of how you are portraying your own skills and experiences.
Not only does the app host over 80 professionally created written and audio interview questions, but it also enables you to use video and audio to review your own responses and body language which some experts say constitutes over 93% of the overall communication with the employer!
You will be surprised between the difference of how you sound and how you want to sound the first time round!
Our tests show that a massive 95% of users rated a 'significant' to 'extreme' improvement in their own interview response satisfaction after just three practice interviews. That's a major improvement in less than 30 minutes of practice!
The app includes six different interviews hosting 80+ pre-recorded interview questions suitable for all experience levels and all industries. Medium and hard difficulty level interviews as well as a management interview with questions designed to help you to organize your thoughts and improve the way you sell your skills.
• Check for yourself! This app works incredibly well!
• Put yourself through tough interviews in private when mistakes don't matter.
• Help to settle pre-interview jitters because you know you have had quality preparation!
• Fine tune the pitch level in order to practice more concise answers.
• Record audio to listen to your tone and the quality of your answers.
• The audio visualizer helps you to gauge the volume of your voice.
• Record video to practice good posture and body language.
• Highlight any fidgeting habits!
• Specially designed questions help you reflect on your valuable skills and experiences.
• Practice organizing your thoughts before responding.
• Practice responding to difficult questions at home and in private.
• Practice on-route to the real interview to get into 'the zone'.
• Arrive at the real thing well versed and full of confidence!
• Plan in comfort with the Interview Checklist
Each question includes a helpful expert tip to guide your response towards excellence.
This tool was developed based on over 40+ years combined experience by employers and job candidates in some of the world's most competitive job industries.
Happy Interviewing and Good Luck!
Download .apk
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