Global Nuclear Watch ::PRO
Travel & Local
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✔ More than 2,000 radioactivity monitoring stations from Japan and central Europe. ★ Widget included! Monitor your places' nuclear radiation levels. ☆ Global places search included. Currently data from JP, NO, DE, AT, CH and LI.
•1.1 Tips
To facilitate the usage of GNWs useful features a help window will appear when using the app. This function can be turned off easily.
•1.2 common usage
The geigercounter-like display enables you to easily retrieve and visually compare data values. Values may vary from „nano Sievert“ to „nano Gray“ (more details can be found on radiation info pages within the app).
•1.3 Health
Through a comparison chart on the one hand and comparison data on the other hand can help you put the data into context.
•1.4 Edit watch list [PRO only]✔
Adding, deleting and renaming the list entries is easily done, as well as reordering the watch list.
•1.5 Global places search
With the „find location“ function you can search for any geographical place in the world, e.g. MIT“ (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), „Fukushima“ (city in Japan) or „Berlin“ (capital of Germany).
•1.6 Widget [PRO only]✔
Stay up to date! For the places you want to monitor simply put your widget(s) to your home screen(s). Color, name (e.g. mum, darling) and place are freely configurable.
•1.7 Units
You can choose between metric and US-customary units. Further you can select if data is presented „per day“ or „per hour“ as well as between „nano“ or „micro“.
•2 Map
You can comfortably „walk“ across the globe with your fingers and choose among the displayed monitoring stations.
•2.1 Geographical coverage
Currently over 2,000 (2k) monitoring stations available from Japan, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein.
•3 Data, Disclaimer
We have no influence on the measurement stations, since they are run by third parties which publish their data. It is possible that data sources will be added in the future, and it is possible that some data sources may not be available in the future. We are collecting these data with a rational method and provide them to you with this app.
If you are aware of additional monitoring stations that are publicly available, don't hesitate to let us know, may be we could integrate that data as well –
radiation; global nuclear watch; atomic power plant; nuclear power station; Tschernobyl; Tschornobyl; Chernobyl; Fukushima; irradiance; blasting; ray; Nuclear Hazard; Nuclear threat; radioactive; Sivert; mikrosivert; nanosivert; ionizing radiation; environmental radiation; nuclear desaster;
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