четверг, 3 июля 2014 г.

download Bio Rhythm free android app

Bio Rhythm

Health & Fitness

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It is a application that calculate Bio Rhythm that periodically repeated from your birth for refer on your life.

What is Bio Rhythm?

There are 3 kind of rhythm on our body - Physical, Emotional, Intellectual - and each rhythm has period 23, 28, 33days.

These rhythm start from your birth and draw like sin graph.

But the date of the state of rhythm changes upper to lower or the reverse is called the Caution day because the state of our body is not stabilized.

You should be careful the day easily make a mistake or happen accident.


1. Main.

Upper side of screen - Indicates User Name, count of days from your birth, and your birthday.

Middle side of screen - Indicates your Bio Rhythm graph. You can change settings by menu.

Lower side of screen - You can check percentage of each state.

2. Menu.

Select User - Add, Select, Delete, Edit User list.

Change Date - Change the Date as you want to check.

Today - Move to Today.

3. Add User, Edit, Delete.

Add - menu->Add User on User List screen.

Edit - Click as you want to edit on User List then select Edit User.

Delete - Click as you want to edit on User List then select Delete User.


The Bio Rhythm is just reference and it may differ from real life.

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