среда, 2 июля 2014 г.

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Добавлена интеграция с социальными сетями - Google+, Facebook, Twitter, VK.

Добавлена возможность оценить приложение.

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Если есть замечание по делу и предложения - связывайтесь с нами, поработаем.

Прежде чем приобрести - смотрите скриншоты и видео.

Мы пытались представить максимум полезной информации.

От 14.07.13 - если у вас есть правильные фото и видео исполнения Квалификационных фигур просьба связаться с нами sgb-rus@hotmail.com

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It Sean Harris, Kate Dickie Also Join the 'Prometheus ' CastWe still - officially - does not know much about Prometheus alongside those early quotes, a new, great mythology and universe, takes place in which this original story. It is obvious to a crew on a space ship and Fassbender plays the android board download Славяно-горицкая борьба 8.0 apk . Daily Mail Daily Mail confirms that it was a sci-fi thriller, so not so much great action, but back to his alien roots. Interestingly, Bamigboye noted that one of his actors told me that he recite the entire screenplay for me - I wonder who it was, cause as he 's excited as hell to shoot it sounds. We will continue to keep you updated on Prometheus - stay tuned! I insisted that the script not leak onto the Internet, where it gets out of control context, which spoils it for everyone dissects. And nobody wants that! Instead we have Chris Nolan's Inception, players were only allowed to read the script in Ridley production offices . But Scott promises something epic in scope and scale. It is the story of creation, the gods and the people who stood against them. It is not a small film, he jokes. I hope not, as I am excited to finally him to epic sci-fi back and it sounds good so far. There was a lot of rumors recently about great story elements of the new Ridley Scott sci-fi Prometheus, but we have to mention off, each held as all unconfirmed and very spoilery is -. Instead, we have to report some new casting, industry vet Baz Bamigboye of the Daily Mail in the UK . Which also broke Ralph Fiennes in Bond 23, that Idris Elba and Kate Dickie , all in joining the ensemble that already Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace. Be Turned three weeks from Pinewood Studios.

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