понедельник, 2 июня 2014 г.

Virginia Wine In My Pocket apk free download

Virginia Wine In My Pocket

Travel & Local

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★ Your guide to traveling Virginia wine country ★

Virginia Wine in My Pocket is a website and companion app designed to guide travelers through Virginia's booming wine country. Whether you’re looking for a day-trip with friends, a romantic weekend, a week-long wine adventure, or a quick stop as you’re passing through, we’ll help you find your way.

The new Virginia Wine In My Pocket website (http://ift.tt/1lXNdL6) lets you track your winery visits and "favorites", keep private tasting notes, and review/comment on wines and wineries. The companion app provides crosswalk links at the bottom of each winery entry that let you seamlessly toggle between the app and site. If you love visiting Virginia wineries, you'll love Virginia Wine in My Pocket!

According to the Travel Channel, "Virginia is carving its own niche in the little black books of savvy wine lovers searching for the next big thing."

We are Virginia travel writers Rick Collier and Nancy Bauer, and we’ve spent a decade following the growth of Virginia's wine country, from a 65-winery footnote to a global rising star with 200+ wineries, international acclaim, and a multi-million dollar travel industry.

We’ve personally visited more than 170 wineries in Virginia, and we’ll share our favorites. We also include our “Best of” recommendations, including Best for Group Outings, Best for Romance, and Best Views.

What else will you find in the guide?

• Wineries with on-site dining and lodging

• Wineries open every day (even in winter!), and open late on weekends

• Venues for your wedding or special event, or just a little picnic ẚ deux

• Who puts out the welcome mat for kids and pets

• Wineries with RV/bus parking (many don’t accept them!)

• Where to find hard cider, mead, and fruit wines

• Wineries offering free tastings (they're dwindling, but a few remain!)

• Quick lists of wineries that are close to D.C./Northern Virginia, Richmond, and Charlottesville, plus wineries just off I-95 or I-81

Engaging, easy-to-navigate features include:

• Photo slideshows for each entry

• Google maps and driving directions

• Tasting fees and operating hours

• Direct links to the winery’s websites

Join the Virginia Wine in My Pocket community!

★ About the Author ★

Photographer Rick Collier and travel writer Nancy Bauer kicked off their research for the Virginia Wine in My Pocket website and app in 2010, visiting 150 Virginia Wineries in 150 Days! From Hiddencoft Vineyards at the northern tip of the state, to Rosemont Winery at the North Carolina border, and over to MountainRose Vineyard in coal country, just a few miles from Kentucky, Rick took more than 10,000 photos, Nancy interviewed hundreds of owners, winemakers, and tasting room staff, and together they sampled more than 2,000 Virginia wines.

Since the "150 Wineries" tour, the authors have continued to visit new wineries, and revisit old friends. They expect to hit the magical "200" number in 2013!

They live in Northern Virginia, and they can’t wait to get on the road again.

★ About Sutro Media ★

This guide is published in partnership with Sutro Media. By enabling local writers to share their expertise on mobile phones, Sutro Media is making it easier and more fun to explore the world!

If you have any problems, comments, or suggestions for improvement, we'd love to hear from you - letusknow@sutromedia.com

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