среда, 28 мая 2014 г.

download NCmedic APK



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NCmedic gives EMTs and Paramedics in North Carolina quick and offline access to EMS treatment protocols, drug info and dosages, and EMS related calculators and tools . This app is designed to be used in the field, or as a reference while working towards an EMS certification. All protocols are stored locally, so you can use the app just as well whether you have a data connection or not (with the exception of the pill identification tool).


-All North Carolina 2012 EMS treatment protocols are included


-All drugs, indications, contraindications, and dosages per NC protocols are included for both adults and pediatrics.


-Glasgow Coma Score

-Medication Dosage Calculator

-Fluid over Time

-APGAR Score

-King Airway Size


-Pill Identifier

-Medevac tool for collecting GPS coordinates

Developed by a North Carolina EMT


The reference information included in this app is designed to be used by trained Emergency Medical Services professionals. You should always follow local protocols and training, and although the information in this app based directly on NCOEMS state-wide protocols, we cannot guarantee its accuracy in all localities or situations. By downloading this app, you assume all risks associated with using it including any harm that may come from any incorrect information or calculations included in this app. The pill identifier feature uses the Pillbox API from the National Library of Medicine. Please read the information and disclaimer for that API at http://ift.tt/1foryrE. Always follow your training, and please do not consider this app to be any substitute for professional education and a thorough understanding of all relevant protocols and policies. This app has no affiliation with the North Carolina Office of EMS of any other institution or agency.

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The composer says: I want to make it accessible but to the Celtic traditions if I can honor it is a true tale in Scotland, I could possibly use the bagpipes as a drone or something that gives atmosphere, but I NCmedic 2.1.0 apk free download . Is immediately resistance with them until I know what 's going on. They are very noisy. Doyle had the difficult task of With a Harry Potter movie after the legendary John Williams withdrew from the franchise, but left his now easily recognizable themes to play around with it. Doyle used the themes in conjunction with fantastic new items remains to great effect and influence on the films. With a Scottish composer of the score for a film.

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