суббота, 4 октября 2014 г.

download Muscle and Bone Anatomy 3D APK

Muscle and Bone Anatomy 3D

Health & Fitness

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An amazing reference for anyone interested in the human musculo-skeletal system. Featuring five different ways to learn about the body: The VIEWER, ACTIONS, 3-D MODELS, six types of QUIZZES, and MEDIA.

VIEWER: The viewer allows you to control a 3D view of the body, with labels that lead to full screen images of 145 muscles each with the name, action, origin, insertion, nerve supply and comments for each muscle. The viewer also includes all the bones with detailed landmarks.

ACTIONS: The best way to learn about muscles is to group them into their actions. In this section, choose from over 37 body actions, and see an animation of the action, with a visual list of muscles that perform that action, plus comments in each section.

3D MODELS: There are seven 3D models, each model allows you to control a body area in 3-D space, with multiple stops along the way that identifying the structures and give comments on each area. Models cover the ankle, knee, pelvis, shoulder, face, hand, and a detailed look at the vertebrae.

QUIZZES: 6 types of quizzes! 18 pages of label matching quizzes where you have to match a name to the correct location. Multiple choice quiz builder that allows you to test the name, action, origin or insertion for each muscle. Skeletal quiz tests your knowledge of each bone name. These two quizzes feature adaptive quizzing which adds your missed answers to the Favorites, allowing you to test yourself on only what you have missed (or create your own quiz on just what you want to learn). The Action quiz tests your knowledge of every joint action in the body. The Spelling quiz tests spelling of muscle and bone names. The general quiz tests your knowledge of general muscle and bone anatomy subjects. You can also email your scores to an instructor or friend.

MEDIA: Thirty beautiful pages of basic muscle and bone info along with common musculo-skeletal conditions. Five embedded videos (16 minutes) that give the basics of the muscular and skeletal system. These videos cover the arm, torso, face, leg, and fascia.

If you want to experience the future of digital education, this app is a great example of combining beautiful imagery, knowledge and interactivity, utilizing the full power of the tablet.

This app is used at multiple anatomy programs across the country.


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Before the strike download Muscle and Bone Anatomy 3D 1.0.7 for free . And Amy Adams have a new ' Town House'During the Writers Guild strike in the later part of 2007 stalled a host of productions, many of them were able to get back on their feet when, the strike had subsided. However, there are still some who fell through the cracks and have to pick up the momentum they had before the strike. This is no longer the case for such a project, as Variety reports that Zach Galifianakis and Amy Adams have Townhouse, a dramatic comedy hate the word tragicomedy by producers Ridley and Tony Scott and Once director John Carney, who wrote the script with Doug Wright. - the story is loosely based on Tish Cohen 's debut novel an agoraphobic man , the time passes by with his son in a historic Boston townhouse handed him based on his late rock star father. If his legacy begins to run, it is force new to evaluate his life and take some responsibility as a call girl meets an unlikely friendship with him. The Fighter,s is cast in high demand at the moment with recently in Dinner for Schmucks , and it's kind of a funny story, and Adams just her work in David O. Russell's The Fighter, starring Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg. I am very interested in the chemistry between the two in a film that will surely try Galifianakis to see the dramatic front. Stay tuned!

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